
What others say about us


Take it from our clients

Below you will find a series of testimonials from some of the people and companies we have worked with.

J'ai connu Steve en 2017 et depuis il m'a toujours aidé à développer mon entreprise avec une vision claire sur plusieurs aspects: marketing, business development, communications internes, etc. C'est toujours un plaisir d'avoir le feedback de Steve et même d'avoir des conversations plus musclées lorsque les enjeux sont plus importants. Personnellement, quand j'ai besoin de bons conseils, c'est ce que je recherche.
Philippe Bussière
Chief Executive Officer, Phare36
We started working with Steve at the onset of Covid in 2020. This was a particularly difficult time for us as suppliers specializing in hospitality furniture, since the entire hospitality industry was at a standstill. Our initial reaction was a mix of fear, shock and uncertainty, so this was actually a great time to begin the coaching process since there was no time where this would have been more pressing.Initially we were doing calls almost on a weekly basis as a form of crisis management and we then moved on to covering strategy and execution. We went through subjects such as managing people, restructuring, focusing on process, managing cash flow and brainstorming new opportunities.We continue to work with Steve on our future expansion plans as well as any operational issues that arise. It is fantastic to work with someone who is so versatile and able to dive deep into so many different subjects. The coaching sessions were always well prepared and we can only recommend Steve.
Samuel Herre
Managing Director at interior360 General Trading LLC
Collaborating with Steve is pure happiness: his great mastery and long experience of webmarketing in all its various aspects, his team management, his qualities as a coach and a consultant, his sense of organization and priorities, his great availability, responsiveness, creativity, agility, analytical mind, not to mention his great human qualities make him an outstanding partner and manager. The icing on the cake: the saying "Doing things seriously without taking yourself seriously" really sticks to his skin. A beautiful person to recommend with eyes closed !Collaborer avec Steve est un pur bonheur : sa grande maitrise et longue expérience du webmarketing dans tous ses divers aspects, sa gestion des équipes, ses qualités de coach et consultant, son sens de l'organisation et des priorités, sa grande disponibilité, réactivité, créativité, agilité, esprit d'analyse, sans oublier ses belles qualités humaines en font un partenaire et manager hors pair. Cerise sur le gâteau : l'adage "Faire les choses sérieusement sans se prendre au sérieux" lui colle vraiment à la peau. Une belle personne à recommander les yeux fermés !
Myriam Hoffmann
Révélateur d'identité par un rayonnement de l'image de soi - Votre image est-elle à la hauteur de votre message ? Révélateur d'identité par un rayonnement de l'image de soi - Votre image est-elle à la hauteur de votre message ?
Steve a été directeur opérationnel de transition dans ma société pendant 4 mois. Il a fait un travail remarquable en peu de temps avec tellement d'engagement, de présence, de professionnalisme et de soutien. Il a été force de proposition, a su prendre tous les sujets un par un et les transformer avec les équipes et nos partenaires sur les plans stratégiques, organisationnels, management, communication, marketing digital. Ainsi j'ai pu reprendre le recul nécessaire pour repenser la vision et me centrer sur ma mission de dirigeante et de suivi de mes clients. Un immense Merci Steve pour tout ce que tu m'as apporté ainsi qu'à l'entreprise.
Emmanuelle JOLIVET
Fondatrice & CEO EMANELLES, spécialisé dans l'accompagnement du leadership au féminin par l'alignement neuro émotionnelFondatrice & CEO EMANELLES, spécialisé dans l'accompagnement du leadership au féminin par l'alignement neuro émotionnel
It is a true privilege to work with someone like Steve as consultant for now more than a year. He incarnates the human values on which trust and friendship are built. His amazing track record and competence speak for themselves. While managing several complexe projects at a time Steve has the capacity of laser focus to boil down ideas to their pure essence and lay out the roadmap and priorities to lead these projects to success with the whole team. Steve is a man of many skills that I recommend wholeheartedly ! A big thank you for all that is and is to come
Dr med Igor Emanuel Martinek
CEO and founder of Clinique Suisse Montreux SA, 1st Holistic Women's Health and Beauty Clinic CEO and founder of Clinique Suisse Montreux SA, 1st Holistic Women's Health and Beauty Clinic
It's rare to come across such a talented and dedicated person like Steve. He was my executive coach for a couple of months, and helped me to determine the next best steps for my career. I was particularly impressed by Steve's ability to ask the right (and at times tough) questions as well as his perseverance to arrive at the truth, arming me with all the facts and the tools needed to choose what was best for me. Steve genuinely cares about his clients and infuses you with the confidence and strategic skills to move ahead. I know who to turn to the next time I am faced with a challenge. I have recommended him to others many times and will continue to do so!
Sophie Paternotte
Senior Director, Salesforce UK&ISenior Director, Salesforce UK&I
Steve a assuré avec brio son rôle de directeur de transition au sein de la société. Il a su s'intégrer avec une aisance remarquable et a insufflé un nouveau souffle pendant une période difficile. Que ce soit la gestion du personnel et la motivation des équipes, la préparation en vue de négociation et le contact avec des partenaires extérieurs, et la reprise du suivi et de la comptabilité interne, Steve a endossé de multiples casquettes et a une véritable polyvalence. Il s'engage entièrement dans tout ce qu'il fait.
Catherine C.
'It's rare to come across such a talented and dedicated person like Steve. He was my executive coach for a couple of months, and helped me to determine the next best step for my career. I was particularly impressed by Steve's ability's to ask the right questions as well as his perseverance to arrive at the truth, arming me with all the facts to chose what was best for me. He genuinely cares about his clients and infuses you with the confidence and strategic skills to move ahead. I have recommended him to other many times and will continue to do so!'
Sophie Aumel
It’s rare that you come across a director who is also an inspiring coach. Steve was my Global Project Director on two separate assignments; in the first I had just been promoted and he invested a great deal of time and energy training me in order to hone my skills and give me the confidence to perform to my best ability, constantly pushing me to achieve more. He is not just a leader though, he is a mentor and accomplishes results with his trademark sense of humour which makes for an excellent working environment. The second time I worked with him he gave me the flexibility and independence to run with the project. He communicates and creates relationships with such ease, whether it is with his colleagues or with a head of state, it just flows naturally to him. He has exceptional presentation and interpersonal skills, and constantly seeks to deliver results well above and beyond expectations. It was a pleasure to learn from - and work with - him. Steve has an immense ability to fit into different cultures, whether this means working abroad in diverse countries or operating effectively in different corporate cultures. When we worked at NOA this was invaluable and even more important given the challenging working conditions we faced on a daily basis. I would have no hesitation highly recommending Steve since I am positive that he will excel in any role. And although I have never been diving, I am told that he is an amazing scuba-diver! Should I ever decide to take the plunge he is exactly the kind of person I would want as my dive-buddy because he is someone who you can truly count on.
Sorcha Hellyer
Founder of Image Diplomacy & iD creative solutions, Official Rep for BBC Global News & Global Tourism Forum, Co-Founder & Head of Comms @ H7 Shelter, Creative Coach @ WOW connect, Int'l Brand Consultant for the UN's ITCFounder of Image Diplomacy & iD creative solutions, Official Rep for BBC Global News & Global Tourism Forum, Co-Founder & Head of Comms @ H7 Shelter, Creative Coach @ WOW connect, Int'l Brand Consultant for the UN's ITC
Steve came to Bertelsmann freshly minted from his MBA at Stanford. He brought over a lot of new ideas from Silicon Valley yet knew how to adapt to a corporate environment. He is keen to get his hands dirty and solve issues, and is natural at communicating and building relationships at every level. He launched a Bertelsmann-wide event, which the communications department let him run entirely and said was the best ever organized. Steve also was instrumental in designing the structure of the department charged with building cooperation between Bertelsmann’s different divisions. He undertook several on-the-ground projects across the firm, will always give the best in any endeavor and is someone who gets things done. I hope our paths will cross again; he is an incredible asset to any team.
Sebastian Borek
Growing People, Companies & Ecosystems | Accelerated growth of 100+ startups and founders | Operating Partner, Board Advisor & Web3 InvestorGrowing People, Companies & Ecosystems | Accelerated growth of 100+ startups and founders | Operating Partner, Board Advisor & Web3 Investor
Durant une période d'incertitude post covid ou de nombreuses décisions devaient être prises, j'ai confié à Steve une mission quasi plein temps de 6 mois. Après une phase d'audit, et de compréhension de l'environnement, Steve nous a aidé à prendre du recul, à bien comprendre les enjeux de chaque opportunité et à construire notre plan d'action.
Sa bienveillance, sa recherche perpétuelle de l'excellence, et sa capacité d'anticipation ont été des qualités importantes pour mener à bien cette mission. Homme d'action, Steve est indéniablement une pièce maitresse capable d'intervenir sur plein de sujets différents.
Nous le retrouverons certainement dans le périmètre de Cesam dans les mois qui viennent.
Christian Thomazeau - Président CESAM
Christian Thomazeau
Président CESAM
Steve joined the bureau as a new reporter, he had little journalism experience so his learning curve was huge. Yet that did not scare him, quite the contrary. He took it on as a challenge, worked tirelessly and within several weeks was writing his own articles. He is a natural in bringing the best out of people, and was always on hand as a fantastic team worker when news got crazy. He always had a positive attitude and was easy to work with. He was funny when we had some downtime and serious when the job needed to get done. Over time, Steve developed very close relationships with CEOs and EU officials, and broke several prime news stories. From having little experience when he started, he went on to help run the office – and us more experienced reporters! – in the bureau chief’s absence, which in itself is testimony to how effective he was and how much he grew. Steve earns my highest recommendation, as a team member and a leader.
Matthew Newman
Matthew Newman
Chief correspondent at MLex Market Insight
Steve is one of the most intelligent and knowledgeable people I met whilst working at Dow Jones. He was one of the only reporters who really understood what I was selling: the news he was making! Steve is very well travelled, a man of the world. I would recommend Steve to any company who is looking for another great talent!
Dirk Geeraerts
VP Sales EMEA Identity & Access Management @ Thales CPL at Thales